About Coach Vincent

Meet Your Coach...

 Vincent Savino is plant-based coach who works with people that have high cholesterol, heart disease, low energy and have a hard time sticking to an optimum diet. He supports them by helping them sustain a healthy plant-based lifestyle. So they can lower their cholesterol, improve energy, have less joint pain and feel better. Many can even reverse their symptoms, so they can do the things they want to do.  And to be more active and happier in their later years.

Vincent knows firsthand what it takes to combat heart disease and be active again. One crisp December evening, Vincent went on a group run with his local running club, to look at Christmas lights at a downtown park, a club tradition. However, a few miles into the run he began to get out of breath, stop to take a rest and then collapsed. Bystanders saw that he was not breathing, screamed and called for help. By the Grace of God, there were a few nurses in the group who began CPR, despite their heroic efforts, he still had no breath. Within moments the EMT's arrived and eventually were able to revive him. The LAD artery, commonly known as the widow maker, was 95% blocked. After medical intervention and a few days in the hospital, he knew his life would change.

Having narrowly escaped a widow maker heart attack, he then adopted a whole food plant-based lifestyle. He now feels better, stronger and more productive than ever. Has more energy and runs better and faster than ever. And enjoys life anew.

His clients have experienced similar results, including, weight loss, decreasing cravings of non-nourishing foods, and even having their doctor decrease meds.

Vincent has been trained as a Plant Based Coach through the "Food Revolution Network". A global network committed to inspiring and advocating for healthy, ethical and sustainable food for all, through education about plant-powered foods. Vincent has also received certification from Rouxbe Culinary School in "Forks Over Knives Plant-Based Certification."

Vincent has worked as a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant for nearly 3 decades. And every day sees firsthand the devastation that the standard American diet, filled with overly processed foods and junk foods, can do to the human body and soul. Leading many towards chronic disease that rob individuals and their families of productive years. Many of these diseases can be caused and get worse by the foods we eat. It is with this knowledge in mind that Vincent is passionate to empower folks to take their health and wellbeing into their own hands. He is committed to supporting them and encouraging their journey along the way.

Outside of the passion coaching, Vincent loves moving in the outdoors. He is an avid trail runner and has completed a number of ultra-marathons. Hiking in the woods and anything near the ocean makes him happy. Most of all being with family, friends and practicing faith keeps him grounded and connected.



What others are saying about Coach Vincent


In all my years as a nurse have never seen someone take such control of their health after a heart attack as Vincent has. Through diet and exercise, he has reversed his risk factors for heart disease.

Not only has he become extremely knowledgeable in plant-based nutrition and weight loss, but he had learned how to make lifestyle changes to keep the weight off long term. I am excited to see him wanting to share his passion for health to help others achieve the same goals.

Jennifer H. RN

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What others are saying

My name is KIM L. PEETS
Your style and method is very effective, helping me to refocus my energies and complete some major goals in my busy life. I would liken your effect as a much needed “kick in the pants”".
"The coaching has been really rewarding. I have learned how to communicate clearly. My coach was a phenomenal listener and gave me fantastic tips to improve my performance. This was done whilst creating a safe yet challenging environment".
I am seriously amazed that I could feel any more positive, confident and empowered than I did before – but I do. This process was very helpful in looking at my values, goals, setting priorities and taking action".