Combat Heart Disease! With Plants!


Do any of these statements describe your health journey and frustrations with heart disease?

  • Have low energy, forgetful, fatigue
  • Trying to avoid additional meds and related side effects
  • Too hard to change a lifetime of habits to a better diet and lifestyle
  • Want to avoid another cardiac procedure
  • Frustrated with low energy, not able to exercise like I should.
  • There's not much I can do, it's genetic


What If you could make the changes to improve your health span?


  • And be able to keep active and do the things you like to do
  • Play with the grandkids
  • Decrease cholesterol and have your doctor decrease medications
  • Have a positive impact and get excited about making healthy choices
  • Better and quicker recovery after working out, feel better and move better


Science and research prove that a whole food plant-based diet has the potential to reverse heart disease.

So you can live a more vibrant life and combat heart disease


 Click for a free special report, 3 Steps to Better Health and More Energy





More About Your Coach

Coach Vincent is passionate about helping people combat the symptoms of high cholesterol and heart disease. In addition to helping others, he had to go through the painstaking journey himself.

About Coach Vincent


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The work of Plant Based Coach Vincent, Combat Heart Disease, is for informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any type of disease or condition. Reviews and testimonials of specific diets and approaches to health represent individual experiences and Coach Vincent does not guarantee any specific results from these approaches for your specific situation. Consult with your Health Care provider for your unique needs and questions.



Special Report


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What others are saying

My name is KIM L. PEETS
Your style and method is very effective, helping me to refocus my energies and complete some major goals in my busy life. I would liken your effect as a much needed “kick in the pants”".
"The coaching has been really rewarding. I have learned how to communicate clearly. My coach was a phenomenal listener and gave me fantastic tips to improve my performance. This was done whilst creating a safe yet challenging environment".
I am seriously amazed that I could feel any more positive, confident and empowered than I did before – but I do. This process was very helpful in looking at my values, goals, setting priorities and taking action".